Wen Fang Si Bao

"wenfangsibao" is the four treasures of the study, i.e. writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, paper. The name of wenfangsibao originated in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Historically, the "wenfangsibao" within the meaning of things frequently change. When the Southern Tang Dynasty, the "wenfangsibao" especially Zhuge pen and Huizhou Li Tinggui ink, Jerneh Church paper, Jiangxi Wuyuan Lung Mei Yan. Especially since the "wenfangsibao" since the Song Dynasty Pen Lake (Huzhou), Huimo Anhui Province Huizhou, rice paper (Jing County, Anhui Province, Jing County ancient genus Ningguo, the production of paper the name of the House rule Xuancheng), Duan (Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province ancient name Duanzhou).
Writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper have been hailed as the "wenfangsibao" of its different materials, different functions, only with the precise and appropriate in order to create beautiful works of calligraphy. The truth contained in the "wenfangsibao" with some regularity in the leadership, there is the same purpose. The calligraphy attention to Yunbi. The pen moves to "live", you need to copy one hundred posts, and their respective merits. In the development of how far depends on can see how far; see how far depends to stand tall. Calligraphy pay attention to the blot. Ink to be emotional, given the passion, only the ability through the paper back, penetrating. Leading object is, the table between "love" to do "real" is the proper meaning in the title. Care on each other's perspective to the problem, do the work. Calligraphy pay attention to the paper. Different paper have a different purpose for the creation of style is inconsistent. Leadership is arduous and complex, an objective that is complex and changeable, so the leader should be to master the art of scientific leadership, location, vary from person to person, because of potential leadership. The calligraphy attention to Yan. Ink-stone must insist on changing the water every day cleaned before being used often. The face of the changed situation and tasks of modern leadership, atavistic not complacent and not rigid tradition not only like "changing the water, Yang Yan, to update their knowledge, expanding the ability of space to adapt to the needs of the scientific development and leadership the needs of healthy growth.
The "wenfangsibao" stationery with a strong practical value, but also financial such as painting, calligraphy, sculpture, decorative works of art as a whole.In 2007, the History of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese four treasures of the Association, to UNESCO to declare, ink, paper and ink world class "non-material cultural heritage".